Sports hall, Netherlands

Een NOVATOP SOLID sporthal

The new sports hall is constructed of the item NOVATOP SOLID, thickness of 84 mm (2050 m2). The interior walls of the building are in visual quality, which creates a pleasant, timeless look of the entire sports zone.

To watch the video from the course of the construction, click here:

Implementation: Lambert van den Bosch B.V., 2016

Flat in Seattle, USA

Technical parameters: NOVATOP ACOUSTIC -profile MARILYNE – quantity 9 pcs Dimension: 1250 x 2500 mm Raster: 8/ 25 Wood: Smrk...

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NOVATOP in visual quality meets REI up to 60 minutes!

NOVATOP REI The panels NOVATOP SOLID in visual quality meet the fire resistance parameters of up to REI 60 min...

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